
We have been present on the Tunisian and international markets for 70 years. During such a long period, we have built our own traditions while being committed to innovation. It is due to this ability to find a balance between what we believe in and the emerging ideas that we could maintain our motivation as an active and dynamic group.


Nous nous efforçons de créer des environnements de travail adaptés aux besoins de tous nos collègues, sans discrimination. Nous offrons des chances égales à tous nos collègues travaillant sur la chaîne de production, dans les bureaux, ou les magasins, quels que soient leur sexe, leur poste, leur titre, leur expérience ou leur âge. (donner le pourcentage d’employés femmes/hommes)


Alliance One makes development its priority. We strive to provide our employees with the knowledge and skills they need today. This is why we are committed not only to the upgrading of our staff but also to the training of young apprentices or workers.

Human capital

In Alliance One, we are convinced that human capital is at the core of a company’s wellbeing. We have worked on building a healthy work environment that favors our employees’ sense of flourishing and wellbeing. The aim behind this is to create a team spirit and a sense of both coherence and cohesion. We are aware that this sense of wellbeing should not be confined to the work environment, and thus, Alliance One has built an environment that extends entertainment and enjoyment beyond the working hours with activities like football games and workouts in the group’s gym.